The fast will be held from sundown Saturday, November 5 to sundown Tuesday, November 8 (Election Day).
During an Esther Fast, those who are physically capable should refrain from all food and drink, including water. (Paul performed an Esther fast as mentioned in Acts 9:9.) This is a very difficult fast, but that is the point. If you are not physically able to participate at this level, prayerfully consider how God would have you join us. Our country is at a critical juncture, and we need to be willing to sacrificially shoulder this burden. The enemy will present every reason, obstacle and justification not to participate, or to do it half-heartedly. Do not give him the victory!
Given that Election Day is the third day of the fast, it may be a good idea to vote early, as you may not feel up to standing in line on Tuesday.
Pregnant women, nursing mothers, the infirm and small children should not attempt a full Esther fast. If your job requires you to be outside during the heat of the day, you probably shouldn’t abstain from water. A good guide would seem to be Paul’s admonition (concerning giving) in 2nd Corinthians 9:7 – Let everyone do just as he has purposed in his own heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Consult your physician if in doubt.
Generally speaking, a fast is a personal thing between you and the Lord. Jesus told us to fast in private so as not to make a show of our piety. This, however, is a corporate fast and there would be nothing wrong in sharing the burden with other participants. You will find the Esther Fast USA Facebook page (link below) to be a great place to encourage, support and pray with fellow intercessors throughout the fast.
Spread the Word!
Please spread the word to your church, family, friends and social media contacts. This call extends to the entire Body of Christ in America (and even to those abroad, as they feel led).
Be sure to read the following guide to fasting. It explains the various types of fasts along with important precautions and suggested guidelines. For a compelling discussion concerning the way to fast, the reasons to fast, and the manner in which fasting moves the hand of God, we strongly encourage you to watch the video by Derek Prince. And finally, if you would like to share prayer requests, agree with other intercessors and be strengthened and encouraged throughout the fast, we would invite you to join the Esther Fast Facebook Group.